Living with Dementia
Tips from Dementia Care Experts
As people progress through Alzheimer’s disease and steadily lose many basic abilities, it is important for in-home caregivers to continue relating to that person in familiar ways.
“People living in the early stages of Alzheimer's can still engage in activities and make meaningful contributions that bring purpose to their lives,” said Monica Moreno, director of Early-Stage Initiatives at the Alzheimer’s Association. “As the disease progresses, it is important to continue engaging the person with Alzheimer's mentally, physically and socially.”
Particularly in the early and middle stages of Alzheimer’s disease when most people still have mobility and the ability to talk, caregivers can provide valuable daily routines for their loved one.
“The Alzheimer's Association recommends that families consider the person with Alzheimer's life-long interests,” said Ms. Moreno. “Whether it's listening to music, gardening, going for walks or even helping out with household tasks, activity and structure will help ensure quality of life for the person with the disease.”
Simple Tasks Can Have a Big Impact
Things as simple as putting away laundry, folding clothes, putting away dishes, raking leaves, and other ordinary household chores can be reassuring and help the person with Alzheimer’s still feel useful. However, no one should expect these things to be done flawlessly—clothes might be put away in the wrong place, for example—but the point is to create tasks that can easily be completed.
An added benefit to these basic activities is that they use up energy and since people with dementia often have difficulty sleeping at night, physical fatigue can be a blessing.
Furthermore, helping a person living with dementia with many daily tasks gives a caregiver the opportunity to watch over them and help them avoid an activity that may cause a fall. A helper can also take on some of the more risky activities that put the person living with dementia in a more hazardous position.

Guide to Living with Dementia
A dementia diagnosis can be overwhelming and there are many new issues to address with experts. The guide to living with dementia provides a wealth of information about how to cope through each stage of this progressive brain disease.Dementia Diagnosis
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, but there are others and each has unique symptoms and affects individuals differently. As physical and mental changes occur with any kind of dementia, find out what you can do to prepare to keep you and your family healthy. Our guide includes empathy and communication tips, along with practical ideas for making the home safe.
How Our In-Home Care Team Can Help You Cope
For individuals living with dementia, quality of life is largely determined by the environment. These helpful tips will offer small environmental changes that can yield a positive impact.
- Daily Journal
- Dementia & Driving Skills
- Dementia-Related Falls
- Dementia & Verbal Communication
- Household Chores & Upkeep
- Hospice for Dementia
- Memory Recall Exercises
- Music Therapy
- Personal Hygiene
- Physical Exercise
- Refocus Attention
- Safety Precautions
- Structure & Routine
- Suggested Activities
- The 5 R's of Dementia Care
- Time & Place Orientation
To learn more about how performing tasks of daily living can be beneficial for your loved one, contact us.

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