Private Pay for Home Care Services
Paying Out-of-Pocket for Professional Caregiving
Private pay means an individual or their family will use existing savings and assets to cover the cost of care services. Private pay, also known as paying “out-of-pocket” or “private duty,” is one of the most widely accepted forms of payment in the home care space. It could also be the only form of payment that is acceptable in other care environments, including skilled nursing centers and assisted living communities.
If you or someone you care for requires long-term care, it is especially important to determine if it is affordable paying out-of-pocket. Before researching home care options, first get a good understanding of the finances you have available.
When determining finances, be sure to consider:
- Savings
- Pension
- Assets
- Family member contributions
After understanding the available finances, more information on the average cost of home care in specific areas can be found here.
In addition to private pay, Homewatch CareGivers accepts many other forms of payment. To learn more about other payment options, click here or contact us today.
Providing the highest quality of care at an affordable cost. Our local caregivers are trained, background-checked, and insured. This is our promise to you.
About Our Caregivers
We conduct annual background checks on all local caregivers.
We provide at least 12 hours annually of employee training.
We perform in-person Quality Assurance visits at least every 90 days.
We conduct satisfaction surveys to monitor the level of care provided.

Homewatch CareGivers is Here to Help.